What to expect from therapy

Making the decision to go to therapy can be very difficult and overwhelming for many, but in the end, it can be very rewarding as well. So what happens in therapy? What does it look like and what are you supposed to talk about? Those are some questions I hope to answer to make going to your first session easier.

So at this point, you have identified your therapist, maybe talked on the phone, filled out the intake paperwork, but not met each other. Initially, you will meet for the intake session either online or in person. What this entails is a session to gather as much history about yourself, ongoing mental health issues or things causing stress, your family history, and maybe some other information about physical health and other various things. It is best to be as honest as you can, but remember you can always say you aren’t comfortable talking about something if they ask you about something you are not ready to share. Therapists are human too and we get it, the intake can be a lot, but we do our best to still make it as safe and comfortable as we can. The main point of this session is to get as much information as possible so that they can understand everything you have been through that led you to that point. While they won’t know everything by the end of that session, they will know enough to start helping you feel better and overcome the struggles you have been facing.


After the intake session, is where therapy truly begins. During the first few sessions, you will get to know each other better and begin building your therapeutic relationship. So to answer the question of what do I even talk about? You talk about yourself, what life is like right now for you, what brought you in, and be honest about the good, the bad, and the ugly. This is the time where most therapists will begin guiding you in identifying ways to find some relief and give you hope, because often we will start to see the light at the end of the tunnel and begin guiding you there. It still make take time but we will get you there if you stick with it.

Just remember, it’s ok to be nervous and uncomfortable, that is so very normal. Even I feel nervous sometimes in my first session with a new client. Therapy is a vulnerable space and requires a lot of trust which is why it is important to find a therapist you feel comfortable with, but remember it can be such a healing and rewarding thing. If you have more questions about therapy feel free to contact me and ask questions. I will answer them the best I can!